Month: September 2020

Month: September 2020

ACTIVITIES OR RESULTS? …what are you measuring?

Managing people’s performance plays a major role in ensuring the success of any organisation. It is advisable to have a robust performance management process that helps companies define roles, accountabilities and set measurable targets in line with the key results areas of a particular role. In addition, organisations must put in place a measurable plan


In the first half of 2020, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic took the entire world by storm. The pandemic triggered the reconsideration of how businesses operate, and where businesses and employees operate from. Also, this pandemic prompted a shift in skill sets that organisations consider to be mission critical for their businesses and are willing to

MAKING DATA-DRIVEN TALENT DECISION AND JUDGEMENT – Psychometric Instruments as viable tools

Effective job performance is usually dependent on a number of factors including, the extent to which an individual’s likely behaviour is aligned with the key drivers of success in a particular role. The key challenge that every talent master or custodian is faced with following the events of Covid-19 is the ability to make effective